Project duration: January 2020 – December 2022
Donor Name: European Commission, EU
Co- Funded: Terre Des Hommes Italia TDS
Geographic Coverage Name of District & Upazilla: Mirpur, Dhaka
Objectives: 1. Promoting stronger partnership with CSOs and between authorities, parliaments and CSOs
2. Empowering CSOs defending the rights of women and girls
3. Fostering a comprehensive agenda to promote economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR).
Project Name: Breaking the Future- Joining the hands for Children Rights
Project duration: January – December 2022
Donor Name: Otto per Mille of the Waldensian Church of Italy & Terre des Hommes Italia.
Geographic Coverage (Name of District & Upazilla: Sattola Slum, Mohakhali
Objectives: 1. The project’s overall objective is to enhance children rights and increase the access of children and adolescent’s quality, inclusive equal education in Bangladesh.
2. The specific objective foresees that children improve their educational performance, experience a safe and protective environment both at home and outside and make informed decision about their lives.
Major Program Focus:
1. Provide early childhood care and education by Shishu Bikash Kendra after School in Sattola SLum, Dhaka.
2. Considering educational gap created by the closure of the school during pandemic, an after reading center is regularly running and providing free cost of coaching classes in English and Math to 150primary school goers.
3. Project is enrolling children in school who are not in school.
4. select at least 10primary school age children with disability who are not in school.
5. Provide counselling to these children land their family.
6. Provide education materials.
7. Provide ECD materials
Ongoing Project
Project Title: South Asia Young Women’s Leadership and Mentoring Initiative - Phase II
Project duration: April 2021 – March 2023
Donor Name: Global Fund for Women
Geographic Coverage (Name of District & Upazilla) : Mohakhali Sattola Slum, ward no- 20 Dhaka
1. Creating youth leadership in the community
2. Eliminate violence against women in the community by this young leader.
Donor Name: Global Fund for Women (GFW)
Geographic Coverage (Name of District &Upazilla: Mirpur)
Objectives: 1. Employers of RMG will more aware about workers’ rights and employment after the primary dialogue.
2. Women workers will be able to take important decisions by taking the opportunity of life - based education and expressing their views. They will also be able to create a conducive working environment for them and speak out against the abuse and exploitation of women.
Project Title: Child Rights and Safeguards project
Project duration: December 2020- January 2023
Donor Name: Global fund for Children (GFC)
Geographic Coverage (Name of District &Upazilla: Kollaynpur Slum, Mirpur and Sattlo Slum, Mohakhali, Dhaka
. Increase awareness among the individuals living in the slum areas of Dhaka city to prevent child trafficking.
. Increase awareness on early marriage, gender based violence& violence prevention issues.. Read More>>>>Project Fact Sheet
Ongoing Project
Project Name: Claiming our Voice Beijing+25 review and follow-up
Donor Name: Women Fund Asia
Geographic Coverage Name of District & Upazilla:
07 Divisional Districts in Bangladesh
Major Program Focus:
1. Elimination to all forms of discrimination against women, gender inequality and violence against women.
2. To improve women decision making situation and leadership capacity as well as restore the women in power.
3. Ensure women’s economic justice and rights
4. Feminist movement and leadership
5. Technology and innovation for gender equality
6. Expedite the implementation of Beijing +25
Ongoing Project
Project Title: The Gendered Price of Precarity Project
Research project
Project duration: 1st of July 2020 to continue
Donor Name: BRAC Institute of Governance Development (BIGD)
BRAC Institute of Governance Development (BIGD)
Aims of the project :
The project aims to contribute to theory on youth empowerment. A critical focus on young women’s perceptions of safe workplaces and their attitudes, narratives and responses to WSH is essential for creating the decent workplace of the future, where young women can work with dignity, with respect, and in safety. Read More>>>>Project Fact Sheet
Ongoing Project
Project Name: Sponsorship Program
Duration of the Project: March 2019 - Continue
Donors: Terre Des Homes Italy
Project area: Sattola Slum, Mohakhali, Dhaka
Objective of the project:
1. Provide ECD Support to the selected children
2. carry out different learning activities
3. Raising awareness on different social issues
4. Educational support to children
5. Provide extracurricular activities to the selected child.
6. Carry out regular session about child rights to parents
Ongoing Project
Project Title: Advancement of CBO’s platform to restore rights and entitlements of the project left-behind communities with an aim to reduce violence against women in respective communities
Project duration: 1st of February 2021 to continue
Donor Name: UNDP
Geographic Coverage (Name of District &Upazilla): Manikganj, Savar
Objectives :
1. Inclusive and innovative actions for awareness-raising on human rights and access to justice issues among the left-behind groups/communities;
2. Result-based rights advocacy initiatives for better inclusion of the left behind people/groups/communities in the local decision-making structures and institutional services;
3. Capacity development of left-behind groups and their platforms for advancing their trust and confidence to seek local services and opportunities;
4. Connect and engage local service institutions to deliver responsive services for the left behind people/groups;
5. Coordination and learning exchange of CSOs coalition members;
6. Monitoring, Fact-finding, and reporting on human rights violations against the left-behind people/groups at the grassroots level, including press conference/dialogues and media reporting;
7. Legal/Referral support services for ensuring access to justice for the left behind people/groups;
8. Production of Human Rights Situation Reports in the context of specified district.